Hello all my friend, here i would like to share my tips to be freelly to blog anywhere anytime. Yes here i say again, anywhere and anytime, as long as you have gadget with internet access, no matter what you use a small 5 inches android tab, or other gadget. The key is the gadget has to be internet connected, and has feature to send e-mail and take photo.

[caption id="attachment_1289" align="alignnone" width="640"]
Blackberry bisa untuk mobile blogging.[/caption]

How to set post by e-mail
To be able to post a content to your blog by e-mail, first you have to activate the post by e-mail feature. To do this, simply login to your wordpress, then point to Dashboard > My Blog. Please see the picture above for details, then find and press enable button. Once Pressed then the feature will be activated, let see that now you will see a special e-mail address. That is the e-mail address where you have to post your article to. Save this unique e-mail address to your gadget contact list, to easily and error free e-mail sending. Once you have done this process, the next is so easy, just write an e-mail from your gadget then send to the unique e-mail address generated by wordpress.
Take picture from your gadgets.
As mentioned above you need gadget with camera, in order to capture picture you need to upload to your blog. The camera of the nowadays gadget is coming with high resolution, you can set to the best and fast loading resolution. On my blog, even I only use 640 X 480 resolution, its is clearly enough to decorate my blog.
Give the name to your photo before uploading.
Picture taken from Any camera will have default name, usually the picture will be named...PIC001...PIC002... or IMG001, IMG002, This name is not easily identified when you have to manage many many picture on your folder, also for the reason of Search Engine Optimation, you have to rename it to the familiat human language name. For this example, let see this photo below, this is a special Sosis from Solo Central Java (Indonesia) after i took this picture, i named this picture with sosis-solo-is-so-delicious or the-delicious-of-sosis-solo, How do you think about this name? it is easly understood by human for its familiar name.
[caption id="attachment_1290" align="alignnone" width="640"]
Beri nama foto sebelum diupload.[/caption]
Reply Comment by e-mail.
E-mail can also be used to reply comment on yout blog, you can reply to your follower that comments on your blog. You can immediately respond to comment on your blog, this will take you closer to your followers and friends.
How do you think about my tips, please leave me any comment...
[caption id="attachment_1289" align="alignnone" width="640"]
How to set post by e-mail
To be able to post a content to your blog by e-mail, first you have to activate the post by e-mail feature. To do this, simply login to your wordpress, then point to Dashboard > My Blog. Please see the picture above for details, then find and press enable button. Once Pressed then the feature will be activated, let see that now you will see a special e-mail address. That is the e-mail address where you have to post your article to. Save this unique e-mail address to your gadget contact list, to easily and error free e-mail sending. Once you have done this process, the next is so easy, just write an e-mail from your gadget then send to the unique e-mail address generated by wordpress.
Take picture from your gadgets.
As mentioned above you need gadget with camera, in order to capture picture you need to upload to your blog. The camera of the nowadays gadget is coming with high resolution, you can set to the best and fast loading resolution. On my blog, even I only use 640 X 480 resolution, its is clearly enough to decorate my blog.
Give the name to your photo before uploading.
Picture taken from Any camera will have default name, usually the picture will be named...PIC001...PIC002... or IMG001, IMG002, This name is not easily identified when you have to manage many many picture on your folder, also for the reason of Search Engine Optimation, you have to rename it to the familiat human language name. For this example, let see this photo below, this is a special Sosis from Solo Central Java (Indonesia) after i took this picture, i named this picture with sosis-solo-is-so-delicious or the-delicious-of-sosis-solo, How do you think about this name? it is easly understood by human for its familiar name.
[caption id="attachment_1290" align="alignnone" width="640"]
Reply Comment by e-mail.
E-mail can also be used to reply comment on yout blog, you can reply to your follower that comments on your blog. You can immediately respond to comment on your blog, this will take you closer to your followers and friends.
How do you think about my tips, please leave me any comment...
It's positive anyway :)
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for re-writing it in English. You're right...naming the picture is important....and really now we can blog from anywhere with these gadgets... :-)